
Two Great Side Dishes for Your Barbecue Buffet

If you're planning on hosting a barbecue event of any kind, you'll want to make sure that the side dishes you provide are as fantastic as the main dish. While you're working with your local barbecue catering company to provide all of the proteins, here are a few side dishes that are sure to be a hit with your guests. Southern-Style Coleslaw A balanced, flavorful coleslaw recipe is a must-have for any recipe collection.

4 Ways To Impress Customers At Your Diner

The key to having a successful diner is getting return customers or regulars that can help supply business on a consistent basis. While the quality of food is typically the top way to impress guests, you can take things a step further with some simple store upgrades. By implementing some of the following four suggestions, you can improve the dining experience at your restaurant and help create an impact on every customer that comes to eat.